Wednesday 29 February 2012

One Martini shy of Nirvana

Something is going to happen, I can feel it. It's that moment when you feel your business is going in the right direction after all the wrong turns and previous wading through mud - This is a metaphor of course, we haven't as yet, literally waded through mud. Although we did get quite close to it once when we were stuck on the A12 in a thunderstorm after a dinner in Colchester.
There's a rumbling underfoot, a sound of distant drums heralding a new turn in the road. I'm a great believer in positive thinking but anyone who has a business will know how difficult it is to stay positive all the time and not lose sight of the main objective... Oh boyo it's hard!
However, in this time of cutbacks and recession, I still think it will happen, in fact, IS happening right now..
Perhaps I'm being naive - I've always been a glass half full person after all, especially when Sainsbury's do that 3 bottles for £10 thing I love so much. Perhaps it's just hanging out with Jonathan Macdonald (as you do). He's so positive, without being in-your- face-annoying and he makes you feel like anything is possible. He's just so darn bright in every sense of the word and he'll be hosting our dinner at The Groucho Club in Soho on March 8th next week (sold out). He will also be co-hosting our first dinner at The Leven in West India Quay London on April 19th . Come on board and email for more info
If you haven't yet heard of Jonathan (Where have you been)? Check him out here or just Google him - he's everywhere.

Monday 27 February 2012

Life Coaches

When I first joined the Business Lounge, I said to Patsy; 'Why don't we allow*life coaches to become members of the Business Lounge'? 'It's because there's so many of them '. she said ' and they would outnumber everyone else by 3-1'. I didn't think too much about it but there does seem to be an awful lot of life coaches around the social media sites. A life coach is not to be confused with a business coach or consultant, who we do allow to attend dinners. Their third eye approach can prove invaluable to SMEs. It must also be said that a good life coach can  prove invaluable to an individual, there's just not enough room for all the life coaches who wish to attend a business table discussion.

Twitter in particular is full of motivational quotes from certain coaches. In fact, I have just flicked to Twitter and there are 2 on my screen:

* ‘Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behaviour does’. - What does this mean? I'm not being deliberately obtuse. Does it mean that if you want to punch someone on the nose, for example, you should behave differently? Is that not just common sense..... in most cases?

*’If you don’t like the situation you’re in, change it. If you cannot change it, change the way you think about it’. - Ok... am I missing something here?

I really don't want to upset anyone but why are there so many motivational quotes doing the rounds right now? Some quotes are quite profound and a good one can alter your perception of the way you look at life. We all have our favourites. I actually said to someone recently 'Do not judge me until you have walked in my shoes'. Yep I said it, it's out there and it was very apt for that situation. However, most run the danger of turning into tired old clichés and alienating the very people you would like to inspire.

What next, inspirational music bites? Maybe instead of quoting something inspirational, we could hum the theme from Rocky. Da da da da da-da da dadada - Yo Adrienne, I did it! ... Actually that might work.

*No Life Coaches were hurt during the making of this blog.

Saturday 25 February 2012


Who remembers Spangles? Unashamedly showing my age now but furthermore, who remembers Olde English Spangles? Urban dictionary describes 'spangled' as 'A term used when a person has over-indulged, be it with drink or drugs' and when I googled it, I found a DJ called Johnny Spangles - love that name! Spangles - incase you were wondering, were square fruit flavoured sweets with rounded edges and a dimple in the middle - a bit like Tunes but without the 'makes you breathe more easily' bit.

Things move on, times change, Marathon becomes Snickers, Opal fruits become Starburst and suddenly we stop dialling numbers on a round dial, we email instead of speak aloud and everyone's on the social media bandwagon. 
Maybe because it was my birthday 3 days ago but it got me thinking about how people used to run businesses in the 70's or 80's. Before email, Twitter, the Book of Face, Google, blogs, websites. When they got up on a Saturday morning, instead of firing up the laptop, did they fire up the Granada like John Thaw in the Sweeney and drive to the office to meet and call people? Renew their ad in the Yellow Pages? Wait for the calls to come in? Did they even work on Saturdays? How did they get anything done before the internet?

When you think about it though, the pace has changed and so has the platform but everything else is still the same. Whether you're trying to make your ad stand out from all the others in the Yellow Pages or be heard through the white noise of Twitter, it's not very different.
Don't get me wrong, I love Social Media, it satisfies the chatty, nosy geek in me but there are so many posts every day on Twitter telling you how to get the most out of your social media. some of it is very interesting but I'm not gonna lie, a lot of it bores me to tears. The internet has enabled the world and its mother to become a social media expert and use words like glocalisation and disintermediate long-tail mashup. I don't have an issue with specific terms or over used phrases but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. There's no original thought.  

I may be about to go out on a limb here but I don't think there is a divine science to social media. If you are lazy or a self indulgent bore, your social media will reflect your personality eventually. Whether it's your own or social media that has been out sourced to you. Unless you have imagination and direction, you will never cut through the busy market place of the 'me me me, listen to me' social networking sites. I would never proclaim to be an expert. I'm just good at it. Confident, yes. Arrogant, no.... and for the record, Olde English Spangles were awful and are no longer in production. Some changes are very much for the better!

Friday 24 February 2012

Well bless my soul, it's Friday!

Until fairly recently, I used to work in an office for a large corporate insurance company. Anyone reading this is probably already nodding off... the word insurance does that to people. I would wake up at 5.30am and not get home until 7pm - if I was lucky. A lot of my day was spent on the A12 and I spent most of the week wishing it away and longing for that faint glimmer of goodness that was Friday. If Friday was full of sunshine, lollipops and the odd bottle of Pinot, then Monday was a piano dirge in hobnail boots. Wednesday -'hump day', would bring a slight loosening around the shoulder muscles upon the realisation that the majority of the week was behind you and Friday was almost within touching distance.
I would read motivational quotes about work but I couldn't see past the A12 and the constraints upon my time.
So, the upshot is, I left my job and began working on with Patsy. I still get up very early and I work even longer hours. I don't even notice 'hump day' and it was only this morning when I turned on the news, that I realised it was Friday!
I work for myself now and that means I work Saturdays and Sundays, high days and holidays and I love it! Yes it's risky and yes I miss that Friday feeling a little bit but I don't have the Monday morning blues and a hankering for 5pm every day..
I'm constantly on the look out for articles and items we can use in our social media practice so in a sense, I never switch off; but would I swap it for the corporate life of before? Not a chance in hell!

Thursday 23 February 2012

A good day to start a blog!

It was my birthday yesterday. I won't tell you how old I was, other than to say, it's quite a substantial figure. Patsy and myself found ourselves on the docks of West India Quay in the drizzling rain about to view the new London home of the Business Lounge. We had  already braved the Docklands Light Railway system and the new Stratford International Station and here we stood... on the dockside, sharing a broken umbrella, staring at the beauty that is The Leven.
I've always wanted to live on a wide barge but have never quite managed to step from suburban terra firma, well this is the next best thing. I get to visit and hold exclusive dinners on someone elses!
The owner Lorna, met us on the pontoon and led us inside to the exquisite art deco themed interior, complete with piano in the corner - Oh you have no idea how much I hope some brave CEO or company director will get up after a dinner and give a blinding rendition of 'On Mother Kelly's Doorstep' or a quick blast of Schubert!
Lorna cooks everything for the dinners from scratch and judging by the aroma coming from the kitchen, she could give Gordon Ramsey a run for his money.
Anyway a deal was made over some superb coffee and The Leven is now officially the London Home of the Business Lounge. Hurrah! You know when you have a feeling that something will be good? I have that feeling about The Leven.
Afterwards, we found ourselves back on the dockside looking at the magnificent backdrop of Canary Wharf and decided to head into Town and visit Gordon's wine bar.. it was my birthday after all. A meeting with friends and 4 bottles of wine and a cheeseboard later.. well that's a whole new story ..
Excited much!!