Thursday 23 February 2012

A good day to start a blog!

It was my birthday yesterday. I won't tell you how old I was, other than to say, it's quite a substantial figure. Patsy and myself found ourselves on the docks of West India Quay in the drizzling rain about to view the new London home of the Business Lounge. We had  already braved the Docklands Light Railway system and the new Stratford International Station and here we stood... on the dockside, sharing a broken umbrella, staring at the beauty that is The Leven.
I've always wanted to live on a wide barge but have never quite managed to step from suburban terra firma, well this is the next best thing. I get to visit and hold exclusive dinners on someone elses!
The owner Lorna, met us on the pontoon and led us inside to the exquisite art deco themed interior, complete with piano in the corner - Oh you have no idea how much I hope some brave CEO or company director will get up after a dinner and give a blinding rendition of 'On Mother Kelly's Doorstep' or a quick blast of Schubert!
Lorna cooks everything for the dinners from scratch and judging by the aroma coming from the kitchen, she could give Gordon Ramsey a run for his money.
Anyway a deal was made over some superb coffee and The Leven is now officially the London Home of the Business Lounge. Hurrah! You know when you have a feeling that something will be good? I have that feeling about The Leven.
Afterwards, we found ourselves back on the dockside looking at the magnificent backdrop of Canary Wharf and decided to head into Town and visit Gordon's wine bar.. it was my birthday after all. A meeting with friends and 4 bottles of wine and a cheeseboard later.. well that's a whole new story ..
Excited much!!

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