Wednesday 29 February 2012

One Martini shy of Nirvana

Something is going to happen, I can feel it. It's that moment when you feel your business is going in the right direction after all the wrong turns and previous wading through mud - This is a metaphor of course, we haven't as yet, literally waded through mud. Although we did get quite close to it once when we were stuck on the A12 in a thunderstorm after a dinner in Colchester.
There's a rumbling underfoot, a sound of distant drums heralding a new turn in the road. I'm a great believer in positive thinking but anyone who has a business will know how difficult it is to stay positive all the time and not lose sight of the main objective... Oh boyo it's hard!
However, in this time of cutbacks and recession, I still think it will happen, in fact, IS happening right now..
Perhaps I'm being naive - I've always been a glass half full person after all, especially when Sainsbury's do that 3 bottles for £10 thing I love so much. Perhaps it's just hanging out with Jonathan Macdonald (as you do). He's so positive, without being in-your- face-annoying and he makes you feel like anything is possible. He's just so darn bright in every sense of the word and he'll be hosting our dinner at The Groucho Club in Soho on March 8th next week (sold out). He will also be co-hosting our first dinner at The Leven in West India Quay London on April 19th . Come on board and email for more info
If you haven't yet heard of Jonathan (Where have you been)? Check him out here or just Google him - he's everywhere.

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