Friday 24 February 2012

Well bless my soul, it's Friday!

Until fairly recently, I used to work in an office for a large corporate insurance company. Anyone reading this is probably already nodding off... the word insurance does that to people. I would wake up at 5.30am and not get home until 7pm - if I was lucky. A lot of my day was spent on the A12 and I spent most of the week wishing it away and longing for that faint glimmer of goodness that was Friday. If Friday was full of sunshine, lollipops and the odd bottle of Pinot, then Monday was a piano dirge in hobnail boots. Wednesday -'hump day', would bring a slight loosening around the shoulder muscles upon the realisation that the majority of the week was behind you and Friday was almost within touching distance.
I would read motivational quotes about work but I couldn't see past the A12 and the constraints upon my time.
So, the upshot is, I left my job and began working on with Patsy. I still get up very early and I work even longer hours. I don't even notice 'hump day' and it was only this morning when I turned on the news, that I realised it was Friday!
I work for myself now and that means I work Saturdays and Sundays, high days and holidays and I love it! Yes it's risky and yes I miss that Friday feeling a little bit but I don't have the Monday morning blues and a hankering for 5pm every day..
I'm constantly on the look out for articles and items we can use in our social media practice so in a sense, I never switch off; but would I swap it for the corporate life of before? Not a chance in hell!

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